Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dating Abuse Quiz

1)I scored a 10 out 10.
I learned that 1 of 3 teens in America are in abusive relationships.
I agreed with most things such as abuse is a series of behaviors if it happens once it is liking to happen age.I also agreed with the fact that a bad home or bad childhood doesn't justify the actions of an abuser in a relationship.
There wasn't anything on the quiz that I disagreed with.
2)A healthy relationship consists of Trust,Respect,Honesty,Good communication and individuality.An unhealthy relationship is the complete opposite there's no trust,no honest nor communication.In an unhealthy relationship there is no individuality a partner is always trying to please the other by all means even if they have to change their beliefs or what it is they do as a person.An example of an unhealthy relationship was in "why girls have sex?".One of the stories mentioned a girl who was with her boyfriend for a little over a month he wanted to have sex but she felt she wasn't ready and instead agree to pleasuring him through oral sex,despite the fact that she didn't like it.I feel that was an unhealthy relationship because there was no form of good communication,respect or honesty.
3)1 out of 11 teens reports being a victim of dating abuse every year.
Nearly 80% of girls who have been physically abused in their dating relationships continue to date their abuser.
The overall occurrence of dating violence is higher among blacks(13.9%) than Hispanic(9.3%) or white (7.0%) students.
4)Between 1993 and 1999,22% of all homicides against females ages 16-19 were committed by an intimate partner.
A comparison of Intimate Partner Violence rates between teens and adults reveal s that teens are at higher risk of intimate partner abuse.
58% of rape victims report being raped between the ages of 12-24
Half of the reported date rapes occur among teenagers.
81% of parents surveyed either they believe teen dating violence is not an issue or admit they don't know if it's an issue.
5)National suicide prevention Life line: 1(800)273- TALK
National Hope line Network:1(800)-SUICIDE
National Runaway Switch board: 1(800)621-4000
Girls and Boys Town Hot line:1(800)448-3000

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Teen Dating Violence

a)No,I'm not being abused
b)No,I am not an abuser
c)The most realistic "Real Life" story to me was the one written by Kati. She spoke of a girl who had been in a relationship with a guy for 2 years and through out the entire two years he was unfaithful.He lied to her about his sexual  experience and persuaded her to have sex with him.I feel this is the most realistic because it is a very common factor in teen relationships that isn't really noticeable. Whenever the topic of abuse in a relationship is brought up people mostly mention that of verbal/physical. Some people tend to forget that cheating or lying to a loved one is also a form of abuse,emotional abuse.  
d)What makes a relationship healthy is communication.Both partners most be able to have enough trust in one another to be able to express all types of fells that they may be feeling on a day to day basis.
e)None really because most of the things about teen dating violence I was already aware of
f)Dating abuse looks like an over possessive partner constantly accusing the other of things that may not necessarily be true,it sounds like curse words/put downs being directed toward a partner.And although I personally wouldn't know how it feels I imagine it would feel like a constant aching pain that tightens your chest.